Download/Print Free Speech Articulation Materials

If you like these free speech materials, you might want to check out the premium speech therapy kits now available in the Testy Shop. Kits include expanded card sets, illustrated minimal pairs, homework sheets and more in a single download.

Free Speech Articulation Materials - Save, Print, Use!

Early-Emerging Speech Sounds (P, B, T, D, M, N, H)
Initial Card Set Final Card Set Extras
/p/ - Words (30) /p/ - Words (30) /p/ - Sentences (24)
/b/ - Words (30) /b/ - Words (20) /b/ - Minimal Pairs (18)
/t/ - Words (30) /t/ - Words (30) Initial /t/ - Homework Sheet
/d/ - Words (30) /d/ - Words (30) Mixed /d/ - Race to the Top Game
/m/ - Words (30) /m/ - Words (30) Initial /m/ Activity - Roll It!
/n/ - Words (30) /n/ - Words (30) Final /n/ Game - Move It! (32)
/h/ - Words (30) N/A Initial /h/ Activity - Where's the beginning? (9)

Mid-Emerging Speech Sounds (F, V, K, G, S, Z, W, Y)
Initial Card Set Final Card Set Extras
/f/ - Words (30) /f/ - Words (20) Medial /f/ - Simple Two-Syllable Card Set (15)
Medial /f/ - Homework Booklet (14)
Initial /f/ - I Have, Who Has? Game (14)
/v/ - Words (12) /v/ - Words (12) Mixed /v/ Color a Position Activity (17)
Mixed /v/ Speech Fishing Activity (15)
/k/ - Words (30) /k/ - Words (30) Medial /k/ - Simple Two-Syllable Card Set (30)
Final /k/ - Homework Booklet (20)
Mixed /k/ - Homework Booklet (15)
Final /k/ - Pivot Phrases
/g/ - Words (22) /g/ - Words (30) Final /g/ - Finish First Game Board (18)
/s/ - Words (30) /s/ - Words (30) Initial /s/ - Homework Booklet (12)
Initial /s/ - Worksheet (10)
/z/ - Words (12) /z/ - Words (20)
/w/ - Words (30) N/A
/j/ - Words (12)
(Y as in yes)

Late-Emerging Speech Sounds (TH-, SH, CH, J, L, R)
Initial Card Set Final Card Set Extras
Voiceless /th/ - Words (12) Voiceless /th/ - Words (15) Voiceless /th/-/f/ Minimal Pairs Cards (7)
/sh/ - Words (24) /sh/ - Words (18) Initial /sh/ - Homework Booklet (9)
/ch/ - Words (12) /ch/ - Words (20)
/ʤ/ - Words (12)
J as in jam
/ʤ/ - Words (10)
J as in jam
/l/ - Words (30) /l/ - Words (24) Initial /l/ - Homework Booklet (12)
Initial /l/ - Minimal Pairs
/r/ - Words (30)
consonantal or prevocalic /r/

Consonant Blends
Initial Card Set Final Card Set Extras
L-blends (/bl/, /pl/, /fl/) - Words (15) Initial /fl/ - Homework Booklet (12)
S-blends (/sl/, /sm/, /sn/, /sp/, /st/) - Words (30)
S-blends (/sk/, /sw/) - Words (15)

Language Concepts
Basic Concept Card SetExtras
Sorting / Categorizing (30)
Verbs (30)


Each link in the charts above will take you to the blog post for that specific resource. Scroll until you find the image you need. Click on the image to open it to full size and then right click to save the image to your computer. Print the image to use.

Background and Description

The majority of articulation materials available commercially are quite advanced in terms of their phonemic complexity. Any given set of stimuli usually contains multisyllabic words, consonant blends, and vocalic /r/ sounds. Most of the cards must be discarded when working with very young children or children with moderate to severe speech delays.

I set out to create picture-based stimulus materials that would work well for the very young and/or for children whose delays are more severe. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the materials are based upon one-syllable words which do not contain consonant blends or vocalic /r/ sounds. Syllable shapes are simple: CV, VC, and CVC. Within those criteria, the sets are as extensive as possible and I try to include all possible vowel combinations to teach consonant production in different coarticulation contexts.

Please, use these materials. I made them for use with my own children, but as an SLP myself I want to share them so that they can be useful to others as well. If you don't see something you need, check back soon. I'm adding more materials regularly.

Tips for Parents

If you are working with a speech therapist, follow their guidelines and choose the materials here that address the same sounds your child is working on in therapy. Your therapist chooses speech targets carefully. Consider sharing this website with your therapist so she can use the resources as well.

If you are not working with a speech therapist, here are some general tips. Start with the early emerging sounds first (if your child makes errors with those sounds) and wait to do later developing sounds. Start with the sounds your child has trouble with, but is successful making when you help. Take your time. Don't be in a rush to move on to a new sound. At the same time, try something else if you don't feel like you're making progress with the current sound. Make practice sessions fun. This site has a lot of suggestions for ways to use these materials in a variety of games and activities.

In general, when practicing, doing shorter sessions more often is better than trying to do one long session once a week. Also, if possible, make your sessions intense. Try to get your child to actually produce the practice words as many times as possible in every session.

Find more tips for home practice sessions.

Good luck!


I give permission to copy, print, or distribute these materials provided that:
  1. Each copy makes clear that I am the document's author.
  2. No copies are altered without my express consent.
  3. No one makes a profit from these copies.
  4. Electronic copies contain a live link back to my original and print copies not for merely personal use contain the URL of my original.

Looking for Feedback

I would love to hear back from anyone who uses this card set. Let me know if you find errors or there is anything you would change. Comment on this page, or send me an email at testyyettrying(at)gmail(dot)com.

Card Set Activity and Game Suggestions

  1. 10 Card Set Game and Activity Ideas
  2. Simple Speech Card Puzzles
  3. Speech Card Stories
  4. Speech Card Caterpillar
  5. Speech Card Game: What's Hiding?
  6. Speech Card Game: Speech Switcheroo (An Uno-Style Game)
  7. Speech Card Set Activity: Magnetic Speech Cards
  8. Speech Card Game: Speech Fours
  9. Speech Card Game: Old Maid
  10. Speech Card Set Activity: Bang!
  11. Speech Card Set Activity: What's Hiding Behind Door Number...?
  12. Speech Card Set Activity: Customizing a Homework Sheet
  13. Speech Card Set Activity: Making a Simple Sentence Flipbook
  14. Speech Game: Find-It
  15. Speech Card Set Activity: Cut & Paste Templates
  16. Speech Card Set Activity: Speech Art Collage
  17. Speech Card Set Activity: Speech Crowns
  18. Speech Card Set Activity: Simple Treasure Hunt
  19. Speech Card Set Activity: Speech for Beads
  20. Speech Card Set Activity: Quick DIY Speech Sort
  21. Speech Card Set Activity: I Have, Who Has?


  1. Thank you for making these cards. My little boy has been diagnosed with apraxia and I'm wanting to help him as much as i can. He turns 3 and is cut off from early intervention speech. I can't afford the Kaufman cards at this time so these might help me in the meantime while we wait on the school district for speech scheduling. I will let you know how it goes.

    1. Try to locate Kaufman cards on ebay...

    2. Can you get services through your county? I'm a school based SLP hired through an ISD and I service kids ages 3 and up. Ask about a transition IEP right into walk-in services with a school based SLP...

  2. Thanks for taking the time to comment Megan. I put a lot of work into these cards and it is nice to know someone is using them. I'd love some feedback once you've had the chance to use them a little.

    Good luck with your son and your transition from early intervention to school district services.

    1. I came across your website and am thrilled to have access to this resource. I printed, cut, pasted, and laminated the first set already.

      We use a game of stepping on the pictures. So my son, who knows his colors/word, can show us he knows, but work on his speech. It is kind of like musical chairs except the pictures/colors are on the ground and he has to find them. He loves it!!

      Thanks again for your hard work putting this together! I will pass the info along.

  3. Thanks so much for making these cards. I have asked several of my daughters thearpists for a copy of the cards they are using but they seem to forget. Thanks so much and I will update once I get them printed and we use them Brooke

  4. Thanks Brooke! I'm glad you like them. Printing them and cutting them out is a lot of work, but totally worth it. If you're really short on time, skip the cutting them out part and just work with the entire page at a time. Let me know how they worked for you. I'd love some constructive (or just complimentary) feedback.

  5. Thank you for the cards and the blog. My son was recently diagnosed with apraxia. He'll be 5 in December, and despite several years of speech therapy, he has shown little progress. (I'm not sure why the diagnosis took 2 years.) I'm now pushing for a more aggressive intervention and am hoping to use your cards to supplement his therapy. On a side note, are you still using Nutriilite? If so, do you feel as though it's helped?

  6. Good luck using the cards at home. I hope they help. Let me know what you think.

    Here is my most recent post on NutriiVeda:

    Essentially, I say that I'm still using it occasionally. I'm using it for nutritional purposes though, and not because I feel it is helping Ava's speech.

  7. Hello,
    I just found your blog today. This is wonderful, and your pictures you have here are excellent. I am an early intervention speech path, and these will be great for parents as well as myself.

    I also have a favor to ask you. If you would ever consider reviewing some of our products, I would appreciate it. I own Kids' Express Train, and our songs have been very helpful for children with apraxia of speech, delayed language, autism, etc. You can email me at Thanks.

  8. I tutor a child with Down Syndrome. Her speech therapy has been slashed recently and she is now getting virtually no SLT input, so I'm trying to fill the gap a little alongside everything else we do together. I am not an SLT so it's hard for me to know the best ways to address her specific language/speech difficulties.These will be great for helping her with the sounds she finds hard to articulate. Thanks.

  9. Thank you so much for posting these. And in general, thank you for your blog. I actually found your blog while looking for apraxia resources in St. Louis (we live there too and I wondered if there were any groups or special speech therapists in town). My son is 25 months old and the SLT thinks he shows signs of apraxia, but isn't quite sure just yet. When I searched all the information on the internet on apraxia, it was quite overwhelming. You're blog, however, is helpful in giving practical suggestions and discussing the real-life implications. Thanks! Also, here is my contact information if you ever need to talk with another mom here in town

  10. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I find myself frustrated over and over by other word lists / card sets / flip books because the words are just too complicated for little ones with significant delays. It does you no good to have 40 cards if you can only use 5 of them. I find myself going back to my own materials over and over again while working with Ava. I really do need to finish that book and make it available because I've included some simple two-syllable cards and some short phrase/sentence cards for each early emerging phoneme too. I just printed some of those out to use with Ava yesterday.

    Jill - I'm glad you find the blog helpful and it is nice to hear from someone else in our area. I hope the cards are helpful for you too.

  11. Thanks for sharing your hard work. The cards are great. Plan to use some of them this week!

  12. I just came across your site and want to thank you for all of your hard work! It is so informative and the cards you have made are much appreciated! I can't wait to print them out and use them tomorrow. On a side note, are there any iPad apps which you are really impressed with? I'm sorry if you have it somewhere on your site. I have been struggling to find something as I know my daughter would be motivated to use the technology to practice as she does get bored with me everyday (again, I have to remember she just turned two). Our SLP is not well versed with apps. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks again for sharing all of this highly valuable information...what a great resource for me and others who are taking this journey with our children! Suzy

  13. Suzy - Thanks for the compliment on the card sets. I hope you found them to be useful.

    I'm sorry, I haven't found any apps I'm in love with. I have the same frustration with the apps that I do with traditional card sets. Too many of the words are inappropriate for our little ones.

    Anyone out there want to work on a project with me designing an app that uses my card sets? I'll do the content, I need someone to do the technical app building half of things. I think the idea has a lot of potential.

    1. I know your frustration with most artic apps. That's why I created SpeechStickers. I'm currently working on an app targeting first words already but it's so graphics -heavy that it's taking a lot longer than I would like.

  14. My son is 8 and has very limited speech. He has been working with a Speech Therapist and frankly, I was not very impressed. So, I have since found a new one that seems to know what she's doing. She trained with TalkTools and swears by the Kaufman Cards and have seen results with these cards.

    I found your site after searching for printable speech cards and found your site to be fantastic!! I am from Singapore and have told some friends about your site!!

    Thank you so much for these printable cards. I am in the middle of printing. It's alot of work but well worth it!!

  15. thank you very much for the resources; kindly note that your initial /s/ card set link is broken, as of this writing

    1. I think the link is fixed now. Thanks for bringing the broken link to my attention.

  16. terrific resource !
    debra blatt SLP

  17. thank you for these card sets. My daughter is 2 and won't produce the b or p sound (she substitues d for almost everything). These cards will be great to work with her.

  18. Thanks for the hard work you put into making the cards-- they are great and I have a couple of ideas for how I would like to use them-- I contract with kids enrolled in virtual charter schools so I work out of my car and go to the kids' homes. These pages will be great-- I don't have to carry tons of decks with me (which I don't have) and I can put multiple sounds in a large binder. Can't wait to buy some card stock!
    Thanks again!
    Jen Duckworth SLP in PA

    1. I was thinking about your idea (great). You could print one nice, color copy of each sheet on cardstock for yourself. You might even consider laminating them. Then photocopy 5 or so extras on regular paper and put them behind each "keeper" copy. Then you'll always have some with you that you can leave with the child/parents for homework. Whenever you're down to only one b+w photocopy you just copy a few more.

      One nice think about laminating the color copy is that you could give feedback directly on that copy with dry erase markers. It is a visual aid for the child and then you can jot down some data (11/15) before you wipe clean and switch to the next page. Hmm. I may try that myself.

  19. Love the resource that you have provided, however could you please produce /G/ Cards for me to use with my son. Thank you so much for your blog.

    1. You know, I haven't made a /g/ set yet mostly because I haven't needed it. Ava is still struggling with /k/ (which is the voiceless correlate of /g/). I'd be willing to work on one though. Are you more interested in initial or final /g/ first? And, you're welcome!

    2. My son just mastered the /k/ after almost 6 months of 30 minute sessions a week. That is what drove me to the internet (thus discovering your blog), I was so frustrated that the Speech Pathologists in our district were so overbooked that I decided to take control. I am terrified that I am Not qualified but as an elementary teacher it breaks my heart that he struggles with his speech. Initial /g/ would help the most right now, since he has just moved on to it. Once again, you have given me a wonderful resource and inspirational site, Thank You.

    3. If it makes you feel any better, Ava worked on /k/ for well over a year before she even started to have some success. We're just now starting to make progress on that sound. I completely understand your frustration.

      I just posted initial /g/ today, but I had forgotten to put a link to it on this page. Thanks for reminding me. It should be fixed now.

      Good luck!

  20. Hi there,
    My 3 yo son has a speech delay and we started seeing a speech Pathologist (in Australia) about a month ago. He seems to have some of the symptoms listed here, however they haven't made a diagnosis yet. Our speech pathologist referred me to your site - which is fantastic THANK YOU. However I don't seem to be able to down load your flash cards in a format that is in anyway printable. I have an apple imac so not sure if that will make a difference in accessing your cards. I'm keen to start with him, as what I'm doing as an untrained Mum, does seem to make a difference with him. Are you able to email them in a different format?
    Again this website is very very good thank you.

    1. I know nothing about working with an imac, but the cardsets are simply posted as images. If you can just open the image to its full size and then save it to your computer you should then be able to print the image like any other. If you can't figure it out, email me directly at testyyettrying(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll try to help further. I'd love for you to be able to use the sets with your son as I use them with my daughter. Thank your SLP for sending you my way. I'm glad she's finding the sets useful as well.

  21. Wow!! Thank you SO much for all your hard work!! I am an slp working with preschoolers and this is just what I have been needing but haven't know where to find!!! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing!! I agree that many card sets are way beyond where many base level kids are working. Can't wait to start using these. Thank you again.

    1. I'm glad you're excited about the card sets and I hope they are helpful in your practice. I appreciate the thanks. It encourages me to continue sharing the card sets as I make new ones.

  22. Thank you so much for such a wide variety of sounds and also the books. I work with hearing impaired preschool and primary and they are still working on the /b/ and /p/. There's not much out there with such great pictures. Keep up your hard work.
    Thanks again.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to let me know how you are using the materials. Ava's speech delay was so severe when we started that I needed those early-emerging sounds too. The few sets out there that addressed those sounds had words that were way too complex. It was frustrating. So I made my own.

      I had forgotten how useful these might be with the hearing-impaired population! Thanks for reminding me. Good luck. I hope the materials work well for you.

  23. Hello I have a question. I am trying to print out the picture cards with difficulty. If I save to my computer it gets distorted when I enlarge. If I print from the webpage the images get cut off on the right side. My email is If anyone can help I would appreciate it greatly.

    1. You might try downloading a free program called cutepdf (just do a quick websearch to find it). After it is installed it adds an extra "printer" to the list of printers when you go to print something. Choose that option and it will convert the file you're trying to print into a .pdf. You can then try to print the image as a new file type. Perhaps that will work better for you.

      In other words, after installing cutepdf:
      1. Click on image to open it full size.
      2. Right click on image and save it to your computer It will be a .png file which is a type of image file.
      3. Try to print the png directly or after importing it into word or publisher.
      4. If that doesn't work, try choosing cutepdf as your printer when printing to convert the file from .png to .pdf.
      5. Then try printing the .pdf and see if that works better for you.

      Good luck! If anyone else has alternate suggestions for people having trouble printing, please let us know.

    2. I was having the same issues when I used my usual browser, Firefox. I switched over to Internet Explorer, followed the giver directions again and it worked like a charm.

    3. I might add I use CutePDF all the time and it did not work in this case.

  24. I have been following your blog for a while, thank you. I am so happy that Ava and Michael are making this steady progress in all areas. I have given the link to your blog to otehr fellow mothers here in the UK looking for additional material and even to our private speech therapist who liked the cards I printed off it.
    Thanks so much

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying the blog GG and thank you so much for passing the link on to others who might enjoy it as well. Good luck!

  25. Thank you for your wonderful collection of articulation materials. My 4 year old has speech apraxia and currently sees a speech therapist however the homework she gives him is very boring and he is losing interest in practicing. I have spent most of today looking for some interesting flash cards as we are working on inital and ending words with T,M and P, so how thrilled I was to come across your website with everything I was looking for and much more. The game ideas are fantastic, this will certainly increase his interest and motivation in learning these letters. Keep up the great work, it is really appreciated.

  26. Thank you for willingness to share these amazing cards. Our daughter is in speech therapy for "disordered phonological development" and we are just getting to the point of needing specific repetition on certain sounds. Your blog was a blessing as I was completely overwhelmed in trying to think of words to use to make flashcards! I now have so many ideas that will hopefully interest her as she is a on the go, never sit down, hates looking at books type of kid! Here's to hoping some regular structure will help (and start to make her preschool ready.)

  27. Wow!! Thank you so much for doing this! I have a four year old son who has been in speech therapy since 17 months. I've thought multiple times about buying other cards but they were just so expensive, and like you said, you can't use so many of them. I really appreciate all of your hard work and your willingness to share these with other families. You will most certainly be making a huge difference for lots of kids. I love your blog too!

  28. I've got over 28 years in clinical work and I am in complete agreement with you about the phonemic complexity of words in articulation card sets. Thank you so much for putting these on the internet for free! Karen K. CCC-SLP in AZ.

  29. When I first read through your blog I wasn't sure how (or if) I would use the card sets. But now that my daughter has started speech therapy and I know which sounds the therapist is working on, it all makes sense. Thank you so much!!

  30. Awesome! I can provide these resources to parents of my kiddos at school. Thank you so much for sharing your resources!

  31. Thank you very much for these amazing materials. My students will love having some new activities! Your creativity and generosity are much appreciated!

  32. Aw, man! The /j/ link is gone. Rats. :(

    1. I fixed it. :-) Thanks for pointing out the link wasn't working!

  33. Thank you so much for all your hard work on these. I'm looking forward to using them. Thank you for making this available to the community.

  34. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you making these available for everyone to use! I am a newly graduated speech therapist and I see a little girl with apraxia who GREATLY benefits from your work. It makes doing my job so much more efficient.

  35. Thanks for sharing your hard work. The cards are great. Plan to use some of them this week!

  36. These are great! Thank you! I have a 9 year-old son with profound apraxia and aphasia (perinatal anoxia; has encephaloalacia in brain). Sharing on the Speech & Language Disorders in Children group on Facebook.
    I have only copied them to USB drive (to print in the morning at the copy center), but there were a few sheets that I am confused on (then again, I was only briefly glancing as I saved to USB drive). For instance, on the /l/ blends, second sheet, I am confused about the two word phrases; they did not seem to match the one word picture. Am I just getting tired and not following correctly, or did I miss something? There were only a few pages that it did not match up. Please let me know. Either way, the materials are awesome, especially for parents who cannot afford speech therapy or parents who have insurance that will not cover speech therapy. Excellent resource.
    P.S. Do you have any " WH answering question cards with picture choices"?

  37. LOVE THIS!! My little girl was diagnosed with sever apraxia (no autism) and I have been looking everywhere for something to help her that didn't cost a lot of money! THANK YOU!!

  38. WOW! Exactly what I was looking for. I'm an SLP with over 10 years experience. I have just changed gears from school aged to early intervention. I independently contract, which makes me have to supply all of my own materials. While I have developed a nice library of speech materials, I find I am searching for materials for the little ones I work with that have apraxia. I have spent a good amount of money on some products that have been helpful, but I can only use the same target picture so many times.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For allowing other SLPS, many also juggling motherhood and still working PT or FT, to access your beautifully organized and well made materials. I am going out tomorrow and buying card stock and contact paper (as I have no access to a laminator anymore).
    I am so happy I found your site. What an abundance of useful and helpful information for speech therapists that are sometimes on our own!

  39. Where have you been all of my son's life?! I just found your blog, but so wish I had seen it sooner. Our son is 9 and still deals with CAS. It's harder to find material geared toward teh older kids. There are some useful games and activities we will be doing to add to what our SLP and OT give him. Thank you so much!

  40. I can't tell you found excellent your site has been. So very helpful. I'm based in Sri Lanka and my son is a cleft pallet baby. I have very little access to good therapy here and thanks to your tips and exercises things have been so easy. Thank you so much. Will keep you posted on his progress.
    I've already worked with him on the S blends and I've noticed him using it more with this daily speech. He still drops the s from time to time..... but its progress!! :)

  41. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your generosity, hard work and dedication. I'm a graduate student and am gathering materials while in my internship. I love this site and can't wait to start using your materials. Thank you again and for your support in the community!

  42. These are amazing! Do you have any cards for the /r/ phoneme??

  43. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your hard work, kindness and generosity! These materials are just so great!!

  44. Is there a direct name for a speech disorder when a child can not articulate the ending sound of words. Your page has been beautifully informative~ Kind Regards!

  45. Thanks so much for these I too have tried to find simple words that the child can manage and most have a few but I have ended up making my own which takes a lot of time! I will be able to use these with 2 children right away.
    Margaret Hunt Speech-Language Therapist New Zealand

  46. Do you have any cards/games that would help with concept matching? Like a bottle goes with a baby, a fish with a fishbowl, a nest with a bird? We are working on matching these types of concepts and I can't find materials anywhere!

  47. Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to make and share these with us!! You are awesome and it is so greatly appreciated. :)

  48. I just graduated from grad school and was looking for therapy material to use in my first job working as an SLP, and came across you awesome website. I have printed out several items already and have bookmarked your page. Thank you so much for all your time and effort you have put into a wonderful resource well as your generosity.

  49. WOW! I am awed by your dedication and generosity! You should be blessed! May you see results to all your efforts!

  50. Do you have a board game layout that I can print out maybe? or can I maybe use my computer to make one with your images? We are working on the m,p,d, initial portion at home with my son and I'm so impressed with the work pages that I wanted to make a dice roll game out of it to keep it fun. Love your site and we send you all of our love and support - success is made not found, granted, or given!

  51. Thank you for creating these and sharing them for free. I've been having my two and a half year old son work with a SLP through an early intervention program for delayed speech. She's been confused on what to do with him. Taking him to a different SLP would be very expensive and wanted to try some things on my own before he starts preschool. I've been praying on what to do and found your site. Wow. Thank you. These are wonderful. I love the colored pictures for my son and so will he. I know a lot of people don't always leave comments, but I really wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you taking the time to make all of these and explain how to use them. It's very selfless of you. Thank you

  52. I'm a Speech Therapist from Italy (former English Teacher) and I work mainly with English Native Speakers... you've saved my life with all these pracious cards!!!

  53. my son is 4 years old and he is unable to listen and speech therapy will be helpful for my son ? i belong to a remote area of pakistan there is lack of facilities .my son is also using hearing aids and he is also little hyperactive i am facing too much problems in handling my son please show me any path for my problem thanks you can reply me on facebook my id name is Mehak gul

  54. This is an incredible resource! I'm training to become an ESL teacher for adults and these cards are very helpful. Thank you.

  55. I am the Nanna of a beautiful 4 and half year old with apraxia, for 2 and a half years she has been having speech therapy and has made great progress. Knowing how far she still has to go with development and always looking for information I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and awesome ideas for games etc. Your have a generous heart and your encouragement sparks hope in mine. Thank you from Australia

  56. Thank you for all your work. Your resources are so helpful for my son who was just diagnosed this past May with CAS!

  57. Fantastic pictures and great ideas for games. Brilliant resources.
    Thank you for sharing these.

  58. Stunning pictures and great idea now you can get your designs in hard card with in seconds and give it to your love ones. Always use best quality Toner Cartridge for Printers if you really need a good looking print and if you want to show your art work to the people.

  59. My daughter is in her second year of early-intervention group speech and attends a regular preschool. While I am frustrated at the little amount of time she is receiving, I as a former teacher must be able to help at home. Her awesome SP sent me here when I asked what we could do over Winter Break. You are absolutely fabulous! Happy New Year!

  60. Thank you for these awesome materials! I am a school based SLP, and I stumbled across your blog a few days ago. I keep coming back for more! Thank you for this wonderful, free resource!

  61. Your website is amazing! I have been looking for some fun articulation activities to use on prac with a 5 year old child (I'm currently in my 3rd year of study at university). The ones you have here are so good! You've actually made them seem interesting for kids, easy to make, adaptable to group activities and the fact that they are free is such a bonus - you have made my day!

  62. Thank you for the additional resources! My 4 year old has Initial Consonant Deletion and it has been a challenge to find materials to add to what she is working on with her SLP. She enjoys "homework", so I look forward to printing the materials and working with her.

  63. I'm an SLP working with preschoolers for a school district. Thank you so much for these resources! I've been using them to work on Final Consonant Deletion with one of my students who is highly unintelligible. I love that the words are all one syllable and mostly CVC. We've been doing one sound at a time and using a visual cue for each sound. I've tried a lot of techniques and this strategy has had immediate pay off.

  64. My husband stumbled upon your blog and I'm so glad he did!!! Our son is 4, has been diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (moderate to severe), we highly suspect Apraxia of speech, and Echolalia. So getting him to talk, or even articulate has been quite a challenge. But so far he has responded to your cards better than anything else, and I suspect it has to do with the colors and cartoon style pictures. Thank you so much for making these and allowing us to use them!! You have taken out so much stress for me to have to make my own! And anything that makes our lives even a tiny bit easier is a godsend! Thank you times infinity!!!!!

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  70. These cards are wonderful. Thank you for putting so much time into making them. I am studying to become an SLPA and will start my practicum in the fall. As part of my classwork I created my own set of cards to represent all the IPA symbols using my own artwork. It took me more than 100 hours to finish them!! So I know it must have taken you a long time to get these done. How generous for you to share them. You should strongly consider marketing them in some form, however, i.e. on Teachers Pay Teachers. You really deserve to be compensated for all the time you put in. Well done, and thanks again, ever so much!!--S. Osborn, Portland, Oregon

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  155. The 2020 Players Championship was the 47th edition of Players Championship. It was scheduled to be held March 12–15 at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, but was canceled by the PGA Tour after day one in response to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic; the tour had earlier announced that the tournament would proceed behind closed doors for the remaining three days. Hideki Matsuyama held a two stroke lead after the first round having equaled the course record of 63, nine under par.

  156. The 2020 Players Championship was the 47th edition of Players Championship. It was scheduled to be held March 12–15 at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, but was canceled by the PGA Tour after in response to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

  157. Players Championship 2020 was the 47th edition of Players Championship. It was scheduled to be held March 12–15 at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, but was canceled by the PGA Tour after in response to the 2019–20 coronavirus

  158. The 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament was a planned single-elimination tournament of 68 teams to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I college basketball national champion for the 2019–20 season.

  159. The 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament was a planned single-elimination tournament of 68 teams to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I college basketball national champion for the 2019–20 season.


  160. The 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament was a planned single-elimination tournament of 68 teams to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I college basketball national champion for the 2019–20 season.

  161. The 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament was a planned single-elimination tournament of 68 teams to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I college basketball national champion for the 2019–20 season.

  162. The 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament was a planned single-elimination tournament of 68 teams to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I college basketball national champion for the 2019–20 season.

  163. El Clasico 2020 team news: Real Madrid vs. Barcelona starting lineups announced
    Barcelona visits Real Madrid on Sunday in El Clasico , and the official starting lineups are in just ahead of kickoff. Both teams are without key attackers due to injury with Barca's Luis Suarez (knee) and Real Madrid's Eden Hazard (ankle). Neither Zinedine Zidane or Quique Setien went with any big surprises in their lineups, aside from maybe Zidane leaving Luka Modric on the bench to start.


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