Thursday, June 16, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

This month we have had two sets of out-of-town visitors. My cousin (Michael's godmother) and her boyfriend came to visit from Louisiana first. It was an amazing visit full of our introduction to Erector sets, a trips to the zoo (the baby elephant was my favorite part), and lots of play.

After a brief, one weekend break, my husband's parents came into town. Their visit was perfect. The weather was beautiful. We went to the Botanical Gardens which has an absolutely amazing Children's Garden full of grand play structures, small creeks, and a water play area. We went to the Magic House which is a local children's museum.

Grandpa introduced Michael to the concept of building Erector Set cars purely for the purpose of an Erector Set Demolition Derby. Michael was also introduced to the fine art of "trash talk". The boast, "I'm going to crack your axles!" has been immortalized. After 20 minutes of each competetor designing and building their car, someone would play announcer and set up the battle scenerio complete with silly car names like "Roller-skate car" and "Derailer." After some trash talk, the furious 3 minute battle would commence and the competitors would bang their cars together until one fell apart. The car that managed to stay together would be declared the winner and then repairs would begin.

My husband has been rebuilding our old rotten deck. Demolition is complete. A contractor put in the new support posts and beams. We were able to salvage the old frame. In the evenings and weekends my husband is rebuilding the stairs and rail posts. Then he'll move on to the new floor boards and eventually the new rail. Of course, that means that the children and I are getting extended quality time together as I am watching them on my own during the evenings and weekends in addition to during the day. But the deck will be beautiful someday when it is done.

I've also been working on restarting structured speech therapy at home with Ava. It is going well, but I've been frustrated with the lack of materials that fit my needs perfectly. So in my spare time I've been making new card sets. That has pretty much been sucking up every last bit of available time.

And now you're caught up.

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