/f/ Sentences Homework Booklet: Finn Finds Number Friends
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I recommend you print on cardstock for durability.

This articulation homework booklet is designed to be an extension of my single-syllable card sets. This book is designed to be used as a tool to facilitate generalization of /f/ production to sentence level. The /f/ words included in this booklet include initial, medial, and final position of 1-2 syllable words. This booklet is designed to be read by a parent (or therapist, older sibling, classmate, teacher...) and child together. The helper reads then sentences and then pauses for the child to repeat the sentences back. Each time the book is read, the helper can put a sticker/stamp/checkmark in one of the boxes on the front of the book. This will encourage multiple practice readings. The child's fluency should increase with each repeated reading. Eventually the child should be able to tell the story spontaneously by just looking at the picture prompts. The target audience for these cards are children with speech delays who are ready to practice /f/ sounds in a more natural context.Key Features
- This booklet features 17 /f/ words incorporated into a simple story to be read by a helper and child together.
- The target words are one-two syllable words featuring /f/ in initial, medial, and final position.
- The story is illustrated in pictures to encourage memorization for spontaneous retelling of the story.
I give permission to copy, print, or distribute this booklet provided that:- Each copy makes clear that I am the document's author.
- No copies are altered without my express consent.
- No one makes a profit from these copies.
- Electronic copies contain a live link back to my original and print copies not for merely personal use contain the URL of my original.
Looking for Feedback
I would love to hear back from anyone who uses this booklet. Let me know if you find errors or there is anything you would change. Comment on this page, or send me an email at testyyettrying(at)gmail(dot)com.Where can I find more?
More card sets and related printables are on my Free Speech Therapy Articulation Cards page.Here is a picture of a homework booklet (the /l/ booklet) printed on cardstock and folded into the booklet. It slides nicely in between board books to be pulled out and read during bedtime story time.
Hello -
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog when I was looking for info about fish oil and apraxia. I read your post on the topic and then started reading some others. Then I decided I needed to read your entire blog - in order - and went back to the beginning. I've crammed a year and a half of your and your children's lives into a month. I'd now like to say, thank you. Thank you for sharing your journey, thank you for those amazing speech cards (incidentally I found your site a couple days after spending a week making a much less focused, much smaller set of my own), thank you for the info and links and everything else.
- M.C.
What an amazingly nice comment. Comments like yours help motivate me to continue working on the blog. I'm so glad you've enjoyed reading about our lives and using my resources. Good luck!
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