Monday, February 20, 2012

Card Set Game: Top-Bottom Puzzles

Usually I just do drill with Ava. She tolerates it fairly well if I bribe her with a treat (I use the Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts so I don't even feel guilty). I give her one treat for every set (15-30 repetitions or so) and two treats when we're all done.

For variety, I decided to try the top-bottom puzzle idea from the card set game and activity ideas list I posted a while back.

I printed a fresh copy of the fronts of my Initial /s/ set. First I cut them out using a paper cutter. Then I chose 15 out of the 30 cards that I thought would divide well into top and bottom halves and cut those in half. (I'll save the other half of the cards for a different game another time.)

I shuffled the half-cards and started setting them out on the table. I separated the tops from the bottoms to make it a little easier this first time. Every time Ava saw a match, she said the word and set the match aside.

She really enjoyed the activity. I thought it was fun, but the actual speech practice was much less intense than our usual therapy session. It sounds terrible to admit that I prefer drill, but speech therapy for motor planning problems needs to be heavy on repetitions. The child cannot automatize motor sequences without actually talking, and talking a lot.

Using a game instead of drill significantly reduced our number of repetitions. Perhaps a compromise would be to do drill for the first 2/3 of a session, and bring a game out at the end of the session for extra motivation when the child is getting fatigued.

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is an amazing site. i stumbled upon it at the end of a student placement. I have used a couple of your ideas (& your speech cards) with a little girl who has motor speech issues. She loved the game (hidden object under cups - i used old coffee cups with Eric Carle letters - and did syllables CV or VC). i used it again for a little boy today, and he thought it was a hoot, better than my reinforcer!
    Going to try your speech catepillar id tomorrow.
    Your ideas are excellent and your cards are very presentable.
    Thank you Anna


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