Saturday, March 17, 2012

Homemade Dough Stamps

I made these with a glue gun and recycled tops from single serve chocolate milk bottles (from fast food restaurants). We had six caps, so I sat down with the kids and a piece of paper and we planned our six designs. They each got to choose three. We ended up with square, pumpkin, smiley face, triangle, snowflake, and flower. Then I made the designs on the tops of the lids with the glue gun and we let them set for 24 hours. (I also did some designs on cardboard rolls, but those didn't work as well.)

We made some cloud dough the next day from flour and baby oil and the kids used the stamps. They really enjoyed using the stamps and they worked fairly well. (Cloud dough takes 5 minutes to make and is wonderful to play with. If you haven't tried it you definitely should.)

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I wanted to tell you that I just came across your blog and I love it! I am an SLP in Minneapolis, MN. I am a little bit of a blog and Pinterest addict, and spend way too much time surfing around looking for great sites. :) So glad I found yours!

    After checking out many of your posts and history, I especially love a recent post about the articulation rubric. I have been an SLP for 17 years now working with elementary age kids. This would be great to try out with my kiddos!

    I also have a blog/website if you would like to check out. I focus mostly on social/emotional communication skills, pragmatics. I was just featured on the ASHAsphere blog as one of the best SLP Blogs A-Z. Lately I have been sharing more and more about technology, apps and promoting other blogs out there. My site has been up for almost 3 years now. I just hit 1,000,000 site visits in early March! :) I added your site to my blogroll right away. I follow probably 40+ speech blogs and probably another 50 teacher & technology blogs - if you want to find more sites - check out my blogroll, it is on the lower right portion of my front page. I am on Pinterest too. A gal can easily lose 6-7 hours without eating, peeing, or tending to one's children, on Pinterest.

    Anyway, better run :) Check out my site if you get a chance - I would love if you added me to your blogroll - the site is:

    Thanks again for a great sharing site! Can't wait to try the artic rubric with a 3rd grade /r/ group I have on Tuesday!

    Best wishes....Jill Kuzma
